Monday, March 3, 2014


so my plan today was to wake up early and go to the doctor because i need to get my prescriptions refilled, but i couldn't sleep last night so getting up at 8am was just outta the question unfortunately haha i'm going to to try go tomorrow, if not in the morning then in the afternoon. (they're only open in the mornings on mondays). I went to my grandparents' for lunch as usual--some meat and potatoes, good ol' fashion german food :p then i went for a run with my uncle Jörg-- took about an hour for 7-8km. we took 8 minutes off of last week's time, which i think is pretty good :) we're aiming to go again on friday, and i might go by myself for a 5k on wednesday. now i need to go take a shower and do my german homework for tomorrow. hope you're all doing well!

ps:  a new youtube channel i just discovered here Her name is Gigi, and she is one of the funniest people i have ever seen on youtube. i highly recommend you all check her out!


after my run haha:

with my little cousin Sandro who stopped by in his Spiderman outfit for Fasching :p

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